Title Podcast#:0346 “Reflections on COVID-19” | 25/07/2020

“Reflections on COVID-19”. The Gospel reflection is on the Gospel of St Luke 9:10-17. Carol Akladious reflects today on “Women of Faith”. We have a number of reflections on COVID-19 by George, Rebecca, Karen,and Mark on their personal reflections on their experiences during this pandemic affecting their lives in Australia. We have David and Merna reflecting their lives as school students and their life of learning during lockdown and after restrictions. Father David takes us through “Learning from lessons of old, why God isolated those with leprosy in the Old Testament…lessons for today  on COVID19#”. Father Moses walks with us on “Feeding the five thousand…a lesson for today”. Mark delights all of us with the voices of his two young sons on radio. There is a Bible Reflection on Psalm 119: 73- 80, and the Desert Fathers.
Coptic Voice Radio