Monthly Archives: November 2022

Title Podcast# 0455: Salt Without Taste is Worthless | 26/11/2022

Salt Without Taste is Worthless. Teaching children how to be salt. Why was salt so precious. What does God mean when he says be Salt. How to be a leader and not a follower at school. A poem. Whoever bear your Cross and come follow me. Gospel Reflection (Luke 14:25-35)

Title Podcast# 0454: The Good Soil | 19/11/2022

The Good Soil. What are the righteous seeds? Teaching children how to keep a pure soil. What is the good spiritual soil? How to saw a seed to God? What does it mean to saw a seed in your heart? What is to saw a seed into someone? What is the soil in your heart? `Gospel Reflection (Mathew 13:9).

Title Podcast# 0453: Sowing Seeds | 12/11/2022

Sowing Seeds. When God plants a seed in your heart. Why is teaching my Children how to spread God’s important? in what way is a God like a farmer. what is the good and bad soil represent and symbolise. poem on sewing seeds. Gospel Reflection (Luke 8:4-15).