Monthly Archives: March 2024

Title Podcast#0525: The Love Of The Father | 30/03/24

The Love Of The Father. God is our Father who is in the Heavens. When we look at our Fathers here on Earth, we can see their immense love for us. If this is the case, how much greater is God’s Love for His children on Earth? Psalm 26 says, “For when my Father and my Mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” Even if our earthly parents leave us, we can be assured that God the Father will not leave us. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we begin with ‘Our Father who art in Heaven’. We refer to Him as the Father in many instances in prayer, and this is clearly for a reason. We will look further into God being Our Father in this week’s podcast for Coptic Voice Radio.

Title Podcast#0525: Carrying The Cross | 23/03/24

Carrying the Cross. Christ had carried the Cross on His way to be crucified, but His body was unable to push any further. After falling 3 times, comes Simon of Cyrene to carry the Cross for Him. If you were Simon in this situation, would you consider carrying the cross of Jesus a blessing or a burden? When carrying the cross for others, we need to remember Simon of Cyrene who carried the Cross for Christ, and do likewise to all of our brethren, as though they are Christ Himself. This week includes a live reflection with Dima, and a Gospel reading of Matthew 4:1-11.

Title Podcast#0524: Treasures Of The Heart | 16/03/24

Treasure is something that is very important to us. We hide it in a secure place, and do not let anyone know where it is. The treasures in the life of the one that is seeking Our Lord, is His Kingdom. His Kingdom is very precious and invaluable; something that is beyond our scope of imagination. Instead of preserving the “precious” things on Earth, we need to focus on keeping our treasures in heaven, as Christ says, “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This week’s gospel reading is from Matthew 6:19-33.

Title Podcast#0523: Getting Ready For The Great Lent | 09/03/24

Getting ready. We do it when we’re going on a trip, going to someone’s house, even when just going out with family or friends. If we do this with people here on earth, how much more should we be doing this with our father in heaven? Getting ready for Him? This Lent, we need to prepare ourselves to enjoy this period with Our Lord. With a gospel of Matthew 6:1-18, we will delve further into this topic.

Title Podcast#0522: Jesus Calls Zaccheaus – Come Down | 01/03/24

Jesus Calls Zaccheaus – Come Down! We all desire to see Jesus, and Jesus will see us and tell us to come down. On Thursday this week we also celebrated Jonah’s Passover. This week’s program has a bit of both, about both Zacchaeus and Jonah. The Gospel this week is Luke 19:1-10 with reflections.