Monthly Archives: April 2023

Title Podcast# 0477: Heavenly Bread | 29/04/2023

Heavenly Bread. A Bird’s Pen in the book of Proverbs. Why is Jesus the bread of Life. How can I believe in Jesus? What is the will of my father?? What is holy communion? How do we know if we’re drawn to the father? Why is Jesus is the prince of peace? Explain the Bread of Life. Gospel Reflection (John 6:35-45).

Title Podcast# 0476: Thomas Sunday | 22/04/2023

Thomas Sunday, A Disciple doubted and we all have that. In memory. How to comfort my friends when they are scared. To learn to not Doubt. How to encourage trust. Thomas Sunday and what exactly happened. The women who visited the tomb. Blessed who have (John 20:19-31).

Title Podcast# 0475: Resurrection 2023 | 15/04/2023

Resurrection 2023. They said unto her: Women why. ….because they have taken away my Lord and I don’t know not where they have laid him. The Joy of resurrection. What happened on the day of the resurrection. Gospel Reflection (John 20:1-18).