Monthly Archives: October 2022

Title Podcast# 0451: A House Against Itself Cannot Stand. | 29/10/2022

A House Against Itself Cannot Stand. Every Home,, every faith community that is divided can’t stand. , if any city or a community that divided: How does our God guide our steps? How do we love our Brother. How do you love your God with all our hearts. How can I follow God every day. How does your relation with God change you as a person. Gospel Reflection: Matthew 12:22-29).

Title Podcast# 0450: At Your Word | 22/10/2022

At Your Word. Book of Genesis. Let there be light. God’s word never fails. at your word heal… we ‘re always asking at your word do something Lord. How to we live at your word. How do we connect with the word of God? what can it do for us. Gospel Reflection (Luke 5:1-11).

Title Podcast# 0449: Friendship | 15/10/2022

Friendship. Who is your true friend? he always next to me and supported me. gave me confidance.
Teaching my children how to chose their friend? why they are important. why is friendship is important in Christianity. what are the quality of a good friend? Gospel Reflection (Mark 2:1-12).

Title Podcast# 0448: Repentant Life | 08/10/2022

Repentant Life. How to live a repentant life, How do we repent. How do we ask for forgiveness. what Why repentance is important? How to repent. How to show God we love him. How can we say sorry. Poem on repentance. How do we apologise. example of Gospel Reflection (Luke 7:36-50).