Monthly Archives: September 2022

Title Podcast# 0446: The Golden Rule | 24/09/2022

The Golden Rule, From the Christian Perspective. the one verse Luke 10 27… you should love the lord your God from all your soul and you should love your neighbour as yourself. How can I live in a society of many. How do I give my love to God every day. How the Golden Rule affects us Gospel Reflection (Luke 10:21-28).

Title Podcast# 0445: God’s Desire | 17/09/2022

God’s Desire. Non other than to do the will of God. is that we follow the christ. What is the purpose other than to do the will of God. Teaching my children to know god’s Will. What does God want from us. How can I obey God. How. Deny yourself in the lord. Gospel Reflection (Luke 7:28-35).

Title Podcast# 0444: Coptic New Year 2022 | 10/09/2022

Coptic New Year 2022. 11 September every year. remember the martyrs of the church. who witnessed Christ. Prior to 451AD There were no dominations. Teaching my Children how to be faithful. Example of martyrs who didn’t deny their faith. The Traditions of the coptic new year.Gospel Reflection .Why do they have a strong faith. remember who rule over you.

Title Podcast# 0443: He Gives Strength To The Weary | 03/09/2022

He Gives Strength To The Weary & Increases The Power Of The Weak. Are you going through difficult times. obey my commandments and I be you strength. Teaching our Children how to be strength. How to be strong with God. How does God do it? gives strength to the weak. Earth and Heaven will pass away but my words shall not pass. Gospel Reflection (Matthew 24:3-35).