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“Loving your parents”. The Gospel is on Matthew 18:1-9. Reflecting the importance of our conversion to be as children to enter the Kingdom of God. Carol Akladious will introduce “St Febronia” in the segment on Woman of Faith. A segment on loving your parents by Rebecca. Fr Shenouda Mansour reflects on “Honouring your parents”. Fr Moses Ayad will reflect what is meant to “Have a child’s heart”. Childrens voices on your their parents. Fr Shenouda Mansour will talk on “Raising children in the fear of God” and “the challenges in Youth Ministry”. Fr David Elmasry reflects on “the Apostolic Fathers and Honouring your father and mother in the 5th Commandment. The Bible Reflection will be Psalm 119:65-72. Some reflections on the Desert Fathers on “Progress in Perfection”. Coptic Voice Radio will love your feed back and suggestions for future programs.
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Know My Church. Gospel (Luke 6:27-38). Woman of Faith by Carol Akladious. My Church is a living Church – George Eskander. My Church – is everything to me, why? – Fr Shenouda Mansour. A number of segments from a Sunday school servant and Sunday school children on their reflection on the knowing their church. Bible reflection on (Psalm 119:49-56). Desert Fathers, reflection on the sayings of St Antony the Great taken from the Philokalia & Did you know.
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