Monthly Archives: September 2018

Title Podcast#: 0254 Coptic New Year Special 2018 | 15/09/2018

Coptic New Year Special 2018. it’s a Special . Children Interview included. What is meant by the EL-Nayrous. What’s special about dates? Why are we having them during this time of year? What is the Coptic New Year? What is modern martyrdom? Say a prayer.

Title Podcast#: 0253 It’s Time To Spring The Heart | 08/09/2018

It’s Time To Spring The Heart. Spring is in the air. Our Coptic New Year and Other’s New Year. Gospel Reflection (Mathew 25:31-46). Women of Faith. Be Still and Know I am God. Reflection, do you trust in God, do you believe in God. Psalm 30. Do we Sprint and Nature. How does The Holy Spirit gives the How to. It the work of God that give us this.