Monthly Archives: July 2022

Title Podcast# 0437: The Virtue Of Humility | 23/07/2022

The Virtue Of Humility. What are the main aspects of Humility? The attitude. God read the heart and mind. People are able to scan the heart and mind. God can do that and that you need God and people have the ability to learn. Christi was the teacher of humility, How to stay humble? Teaching my children how to be humble? How to be forgiving? is it really a virtue? the mother of all virtue? Gospel Reflection (Luke 9: 10-17).

Title Podcast# 0436: Thrones of Pride | 16/07/2022

Thrones of Pride. is Pride a disease? can it destroys relationship between two people: husband & wife. son and daughter and between famillies. Dangers on pride. who then is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. Why can pride be self destructing?. Zeal vs Pride. How can I not be rude to my friends? a Poem on pride. How to avoid having a big ego. how is it a negative force. Pride is the root of all sin. unless you Gospel Reflection (Mathew 18:1-9)

Title Podcast# 0435: The Voice Of God | 09/07/2022

The Voice Of God. The Hebrew Bible is full of the voice of God. How does it relate to your life. The voice always speaks in soft tone. He who has ears to hear let him hear. How to know if God has heard your prayer? How to offer help to others? How do you know that God is speaking to you? What does it mean that you have two ears? We have Virtues Part 2. A Poem? Gospel Reflection (Luke 10: 1-20).

Title Podcast# 0434: Love Never Fails | 02/07/2022

Love Never Fails. This is a big topic in the minds of people. What ever you do, it never goes away. God word never fails. We’re looking at many examples in this episode. Love your enemies, don’t condemn Teaching your children how to love God. How can i put my trust in God? How can I show love to brother and sister & family. How to be merciful. How I can love and be patience. Gospel Reflection (Luke 6 27-38).