Attend To My Cry O’Lord. God hears the heart. How does God attend to my Cry. God mighty works. Disciples of Christ. Friendship of the holy Spirit. Gospel Reflection (Psalm 17).
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Attend To My Cry O’Lord. God hears the heart. How does God attend to my Cry. God mighty works. Disciples of Christ. Friendship of the holy Spirit. Gospel Reflection (Psalm 17).
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Pentecost. In the Eastern Orthodox World Rites of the Church. Gospel Reflection Acts 2. How the tongues of fire came down on the deciples. (John 15:26 – 16:15). Women of Faith. How does God works in your life and change your life and help you in your life.
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In Your presence is fullness of Joy. Reflection on Psalm 16. Joy in the Lord. Blessing God in your life. Desert Fathers. Did you know .
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Overcoming the World. Gospel John 16:23-33. Women of faith. Food for thought – fighting bad thoughts. Desert Fathers. Did you know.
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Living A Righteous Life, What is meant by that? Live the fear of God, Gospel reflection: Psalm 15. Desert Fathers segment. Did you know.
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Jesus Is The Way, Gospel Reflection (John 14:1-11). Women of faith. How do we model this? Jesus the way, the truth and the life. Australia celebrates mother’s day. the day we honour our mothers, aunts, grandmas. tomorrow we say mum is the word. Did you know segment.
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God Exist. Does God exists in your life? where is God where ever you are? Bible passage Psalm 14) The existance of God. What is Faith? Desert Fathers & did you know?
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Jesus The Light Of The World. Gospel Reflection (John 12:35-50). Women of Faith. a Regular feature. What is meant of Report card. Desert Fathers. Today’s Society, Did you know.
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