Title Podcast# 0401: The Parable of the Sower | 13/11/2021

“The Parable of the Sower”. The reflections on the Gospel of St Luke: 8:4-15 is shared by Anne, Mirna (Co-Host) and Father Shenouda. In today’s Gospel Jesus spoke to the multitude on the Parable of the Sower. The segment on “Woman of Faith” is produced by Alaa and she reflects on a modern-day saint in Mother Teresa of Calcutta. George Eskander tackles a very deep discussion on “So then neither he who plants in anything nor waters, but God who gives the increase – how?”. Rachael Tadros looks at “What lessons do we learn from the Parable of the Sower?”.  Mary Tawadros looks at the “Different kind of Soils” and Merna Tawadros (Co-Host) addresses the “Different kind of Seeds”.  Fr Moses Ayad provides his reflection on, “The Power of the Holy Spirit through the Sower”. Next, follows several short segments from variety of different people. Karin as a parent will discuss “Planting good seeds in your children”. Mark as a parent will speak on a topic titled, “Preparing good soils in your children”. Our youngest producer, Christiana, shares her reflection on, “Who is a good example in your life that is like the good soil”. Christina speaks on “How can we be like the good soil”. Helena and Florence provide separate segments to support the Higher School Certificate Students for 2021 who are currently doing their examinations. Helena addresses “How to be successful in God’s eyes?”. Florence looks at “What is success: Is there only one success?” A poem by Merna MO on “the Parable of the Sower” and a segment on “What does this Parable on the Sower teach about understanding God’s Word”. Jeremiah Akladious continues his segment on, “A Bird’s peck in the book of proverbs” on Chapter 12, from verses 21 to 28. Craig James provides a philosophical approach to the parable of the sower by addressing “The Parable of the Sower”.In another segment, Jeremiah Akladious shares “God is the Sower who sows seed in the hearts of people”. A short reading from the Gospel of St Mark Chapter 1:28-38. “What is the moral learnt from the Parable of the Sower” is expounded by Fr David Elmasri. The writings of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III titled “The Spiritual Man” is taken from Chapter One on the “The Spiritual Man is in the image of God in many qualities”.  The segment is narrated by Fr Shenouda Mansour. The final topic, Fr Shenouda Mansour shares some perspective on “How can we be like the Sower and spread God’s Word?” Finally, the Desert Fathers is presented by Rebecca Akladious on “Beginning to prayer” by Anthony Bloom.   The program was produced by Merna Tawadros and Fr Shenouda Mansour.